Project CONNECT (Early Intervention Program) |
Project CONNECT is a federal and state funded early intervention program operated by the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit. CONNECT provides educational programs and services to eligible preschool children and their families.
Project CONNECT also provides comprehensive information and referral services to parents of children, birth through school age, who live in Carbon and Lehigh Counties. CONNECT attempts to locate, identify, and serve any child who may need early intervention services. All programs and services offered by Project CONNECT are free to children and their families. The family is the key to each child's development. Project CONNECT involves families in all aspects of the child's program. To see how your childs developing check out our Developmental Guide. |
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Screenings and Evaluations
Project CONNECT provides screening in all developmental areas, speech and language evaluations, developmental testing, psychological assessment, occupational therapy, physical therapy, vision and hearing evaluations.
Results of these evaluations are discussed with the child's parents and the referring agency. Further services may then be recommended as needed.
Itinerant Services
Project CONNECT provides speech, hearing, and vision services and occupational and physical therapy on an itinerant basis.
Itinerant and consultative services are provided in agencies, nursery schools and day care centers when appropriate.
Consultative Services
Project CONNECT staff provides inservices and workshops free of charge to community agencies, preschool and nursery school programs.
The following describes just some of the workshops and inservices available form Project CONNECT staff.
What is a Special Needs Child? |
This inservice is designed to help identify a child who may be in need of a special service. Information is presented on child development to help parents detect when children are not developming at age appropriate levels. |
Speech & Language Development in the Preschool Child |
This inservice presents information on the developmental process of speech and language in the preschool child. Techniques, strategies and specific exercises that enhance language development are demonstrated and discussed. |
Behavior Management and the Preschool Child |
This workshop, designed with the disruptive child in mind, provides strategies and techniques for managing classroom behavior. It also gives information and tips for parents on behavior management in the home. |
Classroom Instruction
Project CONNECT maintains instructional classroom programs and contracts with area agencies such as VIA, Easter Seals, Vitalistic Therapeutic Center, Head Start and Project HAPPY to provide services.
Preschool children attending classroom programs are taught to develop their skills in gross and fine motor areas, communication, socialization, cognition and kindergarten readiness.
Each child has an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) that outlines and defines the educational goals and outcomes for the child's classroom program.
IEP's are developed for each child by Project CONNECT's staff of special education teachers, psychologist, social worker, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and parents. With parental consent, the IEP includes a section on family services to assist the family in supporting the child's development.